Daisy had 9 beautiful puppies yesterday morning. Mom and babies are doing great! 2 of these babies need a home. Contact me if interested.
All the pups had a visit to the vet today. They did great! Going to miss these guys terribly when they leave for their forever homes. Two will be traveling outside the USA to Canada!
All my girls are excited about Christmas. We are especially excited to spend the holidays with Roxy and Red's new pups. Santa(Molly) insisted each pup have a special present under the tree.
Roxy's and Big Red's puppies are growing so quickly! Their eyes are all open and they are beginning to walk on all fours. It's an exciting time! We still have two puppies available and spots on the wait list for the next litter.
Our Australian Cobberdog(aka Labradoodle) puppies are 12 days old. Their eyes and ears should open any day. Rutlands Red Roxy is the perfect mother. She takes excellent care of her little ones.
We still have a few pups available. January 16th they will be ready for their forever homes. One of Archie and Olives pups all grown up. Charlie gets his great looks from his handsome father, Ridgy Didge Desighed by Archie.
AuthorSeas the Day Cobberdogs Archives
September 2023
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